Each year the teachers and counselors at each of the Tustin High Schools select a minimum of three and a maximum of four Junior boys to be candidates for The American Legion’s Boys State event in Sacramento every June. Judges from Post 227 go to each school and interview the candidates to select just one from each school to attend Boys State. The selection criteria is more than just grades and includes participation in school activities such as sports, clubs or class offices, community volunteering and leadership qualities are also important.
During the week in Sacramento in June the students learn about serving in public office by actually campaigning and performing the duties of the office. Over 1,000 boys attend each year in California and this event culminates in two boys being selected for Boys Nation and a trip to Washington D.C. The American Legion has been doing this for many years and the experience is the same in all 50 states.
Tustin Mayor and City Council present the students with Certificates at a Council Meeting in the fall where each student summarizes his experience to the audience.